KeYouYun ERP is authorized by Shopee official authorization method. You do not need to enter the shop account and password in the third-party software to ensure the security of the Shopee seller’s account. You can use KeYouYun ERP products after authorization Data collection and one-click shop function, quickly publish products to Shopee shop. ( Unlimited number of Shop )
unregistered? Registered for KeYouYun ERP (Official Shopee Free Shipping / Freight Forwarding Software)
Authorized shop
- Open the KeYouYun ERP shop authorization page , click the button “+ shopee” to jump to the Shopee shop official store authorization page;
- Select the site where the store is located (TW-Taiwan, SG-Singapore, MY-Malay, PH-Philippines, ID-Indonesia, TH-Thailand, VN-Vietnam), enter the store account and password, and then click “Login” to authorize the operation
- After completing the shop authorization, you will be redirected to the KeYouYun ERP shop authorization page , where you can see the authorized shops.