Shopee data analysis and increase store’s views tool
Shopee Data Analysis
Shopee stores, products and market trends

Note: Support real-time monitoring of product, store and market data
Online Customer Service
One-stop management for multi-shop chatting, accurate translation, and message reminders

Note: Support for mutual translation in any language, real-time reminder of orders, evaluations, being followed and other news
Followers & Likes
Auto follow to increase fans quickly, product likes to increase exposure

Note: Users are automatically filtered, and the weight of store products is quickly increased
Product Exchange Rate Conversion
The amount is converted in real time, and the product price is clear

Note: Support any currency exchange rate conversion
Product Boost
Automatic boost, continuously expose and attract traffic

Note: every four hours top promotion 5 products in shopee boost promotion
Application Center
Carefully select operating application tools to improve the operating efficiency of sellers’ shop

Note: Integrate high-quality applications for cross-border operations to solve sellers’ daily operational problems